Local Schools

Local Schools

Please direct any enquiries concerning these records to:-
Schools Admission Register, Richmond-Tweed Family History Society Inc.
P.O. Box 817, Ballina NSW. 2478 (Please include SAE with all enquiries)
In the mid 1990s, the society decided to record all school admission registers for the Richmond-Tweed area.
With the permission of the Dept of Education, copies of some schools admission registers were obtained, and the work of recording them began. To date, the registers of 65 schools (some 45,000 records) have been completed
Printed copies of each of those schools are available for research at the society library, and a master list of all the schools is available to search on the computer in the society library.
The registers, both printed and on the computer, are listed alphabetically by Student Name, and contain Student Name, Date of Birth/Age at admission, Admission Date, Previous School, Parent/Guardian Name and Address, Occupation and Religion.

See also: Local Schools Admission Registers